Museum workers got acquainted with the results of the InterActive History project

186302552_10226414578056417_1122826045430695903_nDuring the trip to the museums participating in the InterActive History project, the Russian and Finnish partners of the project and media representatives were shown the results and products of the project in the Kurkijoki Local History Center, the Olonets National Museum and the National Museum of the Republic of Karelia.
186302552_10226414577056392_7637660251828519523_nA discussion of the prospects for the implementation of the developed museum programs and the use of the products developed by the project took place.
186474495_10226414557055892_3424326657710165995_nPartners in Finland were able to see the results of the project in Russian museums and presented the results of the project via video conferencing.
Many thanks to colleagues from Russian and Finnish museums for participating in the final trip and fruitful joint work!

Project acronym logo ENGKarelia CBC Program is financed by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland.